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Місія та цінності

Big company-big people

VolWest Group was founded in 1992 as a family business.

Today it operates in 17 sectors of the economy, includes dozens of successful companies and unites more than 5,000 employees. Its main task is to create and develop new business projects in promising industries and effectively manage them strategically.

I believe that the key to the success of the VolWest Group is that:

  • leadership, not fear, is at the core of running our organization;
  • not dogmas, but innovations determine the pace of our development;
  • not a hundred million, but a hundred millionaires is the basic investment strategy;
  • not to panic during difficult periods, but to understand that the crisis is a chance that takes us to qualitatively new business horizons.

We also encourage all members of our large team to develop personally and professionally, because values determine motivation, learning forms competencies, and only the Synergy of motivation and competence ensures success.

Viktor Korsak,

Doctor of Economics,

Chairman of the Board of Directors of VolWest Group

Our mission statement

We light up the stars of new ideas,

to make the world a happier place

Our values

From the bottom of my heart

we achieve our goals with faith in what we do, honestly, boldly, responsibly, with harmony in our soul and peace in our heart.

Be the first

we concentrate our resources in areas where we can become leaders.


transcend boundaries and create a new reality.
With impeccable quality

we meet the most demanding expectations of our customers.

And high profitability

we get a high reward for our efforts and invested capital.

Our philosophy

Our company's philosophy is based on a balance in meeting the needs of the company's shareholders, employees, our customers, external stakeholders (suppliers, authorities, residents of the region where we operate) and society as a whole.

Our corporate culture

 At the heart of our corporate culture is the paradigm that work is a place where we earn, learn, create, communicate, socialize, and relax.

Our rules

"Proactivity "at the discussion stage, unquestioning implementation at the implementation stage: comments, ideas, suggestions during decision-making, and mandatory implementation when the decision is made; even through" I can't";" yes"means contract."

We are convinced that the lack of initiative to change and an undocumented assessment is bad and contradicts the philosophy of our company.

We are for "total responsibility" – we never, never, never look for extreme measures. If something doesn't work out, it's all our fault.

We always focus on the most important thing – we first expand the "bottlenecks".

We are supporters of "managerial parallelism" - we can simultaneously perform a number of tasks and achieve goals.

We focus on our core competencies and do the work that we love and know how to do best, while delegating the rest.

We are not afraid to make mistakes, because we understand that mistakes are an integral part of development and that often the path from 7 points to 10 is the following: 7 – 6 – 5 – 4 – 3 – 4 – 5 – 6 – 7 – 8 – 9 – 10…

We know that in order for something to change, you need to change something.

We believe that there are no traitors in our team, if they appear, then they are not there again.

We are convinced that if a team member has decided to leave the company, then they should prepare an equivalent replacement for their place.

Our Corporate Social Responsibility Our goal is to achieve a balance between solving our company's commercial problems and meeting the current social, economic and environmental needs of society without compromising the ability to meet them for future generations, which will contribute to the continuous development of our business, the regions where we operate, and humanity as a whole.