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Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) of the VolWest Group Investment Group

"this is a balance between meeting our commercial goals and meeting the current social, economic and environmental needs of the regions where we operate without compromising the ability to meet them for future generations.

We strive to qualitatively improve the standard of living and ensure a clean environment, encourage people to lead a healthy lifestyle and take responsibility for their own health.

Work in the direction of corporate social responsibility has become an integral part of the strategy of the companies included in the investment group. Thus they implement projects in three main areas:

  • regional economic development;
  • social development of the regions;
  • ecological development of regions.

The goal of the projects is to promote the sustainable development of the regions where companies operate and live responsibly.

In the economic aspect

Our principles: Improve yourself and improve others

In the social aspect

Our principles: your environment is your concern and responsibility

In the environmental aspect

Our principles: consume rationally and think carefully

Our principles: Clean not where they clean, but where they don't trash

In the economic direction, the VolWest Group investment group has focused on the development of Franchising in the regions.

The development of franchising contributes to:

  1. Development of entrepreneurship in the regions of our country:
  • We help entrepreneurs and just enterprising people start their own businesses.
  • We prepare objective business plans, advise and train our future franchisees, which allows them to create and develop a successful and thriving business.
  1. Increase the investment attractiveness of the regions.
  2. Infrastructure improvements.
  3. Increase of employment of the population.
  4. "Diffusion" of innovations in the region.
  5. Reduce the level of bankruptcies of commercial enterprises in the region.
  6. Increase the amount of revenues to regional budgets.
  7. Increased competition, which in turn ensures lower prices in the region and increases the quality of customer service.
  8. To develop labor resources and improve the level of training in the regions, through the introduction of the latest technologies in business processes and the organization of a permanent training process for the staff of our franchisee partners.
  9. Active promotion of regional producers ' products, which stimulates their development and increases their competitiveness.


Among the key advantages of doing business on a franchise basis is that, working under a well-known brand, the franchisee reduces the risks associated with doing business. Opening a business in the regions contributes to their development, improves infrastructure, increases employment and develops personnel and their qualifications. Cooperation on the terms of franchising has a number of advantages for a small entrepreneur. First of all, this is an opportunity to work under an already well-known brand, which will attract the attention of customers whose base has been developed by the franchisor for years. Another such franchise project of the investment group is pizza restaurant chain”Tarantella".

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Саме продуктовий рітейл на сьогодні займає лідируючі позиції на ринку франчайзингу.

Франшиза продуктового магазина та закладів харчування є найпопулярнішими, оскільки саме вони задовольняють найбільш зростаючий споживацький попит. Адже продукти та товари першої необхідності ми купуємо щодня, тому саме продуктова франшиза знаходиться в зоні найменшого ризику для підприємця-початківця. Не останню роль відіграє тут алгоритм ведення бізнесу за перевіреною роками моделлю. Саме таку модель надаємо ми, мережа супермаркетів «Наш Край», – лідер ринку франчайзингу продуктового рітейлу в Україні.

In the social aspect, we contribute to improving the health of regional residents by promoting a healthy lifestyle.
We also see our social task as helping those who need it. Our philosophy in this aspect is based on the principle of "help for self-help".
We contribute to the development of the nation's spirituality and promote Ukrainian art in the world by::
* creating a unique collection of works by the best Ukrainian artists and ensuring its constant replenishment;
* conducting effective exhibition activities aimed at presenting the works of the best domestic artists in Ukraine and abroad;
* organization of research work aimed at finding new, identifying unknown and returning forgotten names of Ukrainian artists in the history of art;
* promotion of creative search for Ukrainian artists and development of a young generation of artists;
* implementation of educational programs for the development of the spiritual culture of the Ukrainian nation.


In December 2016, the editorial board of the newspaper "Family and Home" launched a social project: the first issue of the weekly "Family and Home", printed in Braille, was published. The publication was timed to coincide with the 20th anniversary of the newspaper "Family and Home", the first issue of which was published on December 27, 1996.
The first issue of" families and homes"had a circulation of 30 copies in Braille. The newspaper is distributed free of charge and targeted, and is also provided to the local organization UTOS and the Krupovsky educational and rehabilitation center for children with visual impairments.
The financial costs associated with printing the newspaper were borne by CID MEDIA GROUP holding as part of corporate social responsibility of business, and specialists in the NGO " generation of successful action "performed printing on the equipment of"Braille Studio". The project operates on an ongoing basis, and the publication frequency is quarterly. The holding also plans to make an audio version of the newspaper, which will be more accessible, because not all blind people speak Braille.
"I am proud to say that not only my dream has come true, but also the dream of all blind people. After all, we want to feel like a full-fledged part of society every day, "said Vitaliy Tkachuk, chairman of the Volyn cell of the NGO" generation of successful action " and stressed that it is not expensive to implement such projects, the main thing is to set a goal.

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The project "Step by step to a profession" is a project for talented students who are looking for an opportunity to gain practical skills, decide on the direction of work and start their own career. The investment group "Volvest Group" initiated it as one of the first adaptation stages for students, so that they could get acquainted with the company from the inside, study its corporate culture and interaction between departments. This will give them a good chance to prove themselves and get the opportunity for further employment.
The internship will last from two to three months. The time is agreed with the candidate separately, so that the internship does not interfere with the educational process. The intern is assigned a mentor who will monitor and help his ward throughout the entire internship period.
This program is already available in the companies "Techno Module" and PribaltService for students of technical specialties. Representatives of the companies held a series of meetings with students of technical colleges, colleges and universities of Lutsk, presented their companies and activities, specifics and working conditions.


"Today, art, as a form of social consciousness and a type of human activity, is developing dynamically and at the same time ambiguously. Art works are displayed in galleries, private collections, and museums... each author tries to express himself, but success or failure in this field largely depends on the viewer, because the work often evokes completely different emotions than those that were invested in it by the artist. This is because the vast majority of contemporaries know little or no works of art at all, and their knowledge is mostly based on already established images and popular genres of famous authors. But the works of modern art remain behind the scenes of the knowledge of their world as a whole, and are appreciated only by art historians, or people who themselves cultivate a culture of knowledge of beauty.
It is with the aim of forming the culture of art and developing the aesthetic taste of the public that we have founded a unique Art Gallery "Art-department", which not only introduces visitors to the basics of art, its types and genres, but also offers a new format of intellectual leisure.
"Art Department" presents bright creative achievements of art culture of the XX century, introduces visitors to interesting phenomena in contemporary art through author's projects, installations, performances. We will also host presentations of art collections of leading museums in Ukraine and private collections. And also, in the" Art Department " everyone can learn to create beautiful things: draw, sculpt, improvise, be creative, feel like a real artist. After all, art lives in each of us and it is able to make the world more beautiful...", - says Lesya Korsak, managing partner of the Gallery of Modern Art "Art Department".

The purpose of the "Art Department" is to::
To be a gallery of contemporary art of the highest level, which will contribute to the development of the spirituality of the nation and promote Ukrainian art in the world.

Goals of the Art Department:
- Creating a unique collection of works by the best Ukrainian artists and ensuring its constant replenishment.
- Conducting effective exhibition activities aimed at presenting the works of the best domestic artists in Ukraine and abroad.
- Organization of research work to search for new, identify unknown and return forgotten names of Ukrainian artists in the history of art.
- Assistance in creative search of Ukrainian artists and development of a young generation of artists.
- Implementation of educational programs for the development of the spiritual culture of the Ukrainian nation.

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On a weekly basis, the KRC "Adrenaline City" organizes fun and rich leisure activities for children and families of ATO participants together with the volunteer project "patrons for soldiers". Not only children of Lutsk but also the entire Volyn region have the opportunity to take part.

The program for kids is active and rich: it starts with watching a cartoon, continues on trampolines and slides in the kangaroo amusement Park, and then a delicious lunch or a fun pizza baking master class in one of the Tarantella pizzerias. This is a great opportunity for children whose parents are fighting in the anti-terrorist operation zone to relax and try something new.


Every child has a genius. Someone sings well, and someone draws, some mentally solve complex mathematical puzzles, others write poetry, barely standing on their feet. At school, despite the general student program, not only the most talented, but also the most courageous and confident children stand out from the rest. They become participants and winners of school Olympiads, and they are the future national resource of the nation, which we consider it our duty to support.

KRC " Adrenaline City "and the Volyn branch of the Computer Academy" STEP", owned by the investment group VolWest Group, in 2012, in order to support the future generation, which today consciously approaches the performance of their duties – shows a high level of knowledge, launched a large-scale social project" Megamind", aimed at supporting gifted youth of the region.

The Megamind project is implemented in two stages. As part of the first stage, all participants of regional and city Olympiads, which is more than 8 thousand students, receive gift certificates in the amount of 150 hryvnias from the center for leisure and development “Adrenaline City".

In May, the results of the second stage are summed up, as a result of which two lucky winners are determined among the winners of regional Olympiads who receive a certificate for free training during the year at the STEP Computer Academy.

In total, more than 80 gifted children who took the first places of honor at the regional level take part in the second stage.

The winners are determined by random drawing of lots.

Children in two age categories are eligible: under 13 and older. Consequently, children under the age of 13 will be able to acquire professional computer skills, and high school students and graduates will get one of the most popular professions in the modern labor market: programmer, designer or system administrator.

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As part of a social project "Live responsibly!” the Business Academy of Practical Management hosts free seminars on the topic "Health". Invited doctors-specialists in their field-talk about how to monitor their health, carry out preventive measures and avoid undesirable risks. Listeners have the opportunity to ask questions that interest them.

Tatiana Repnitskaya, Head of the Business Academy of Practical Management: "We have introduced a new free series of seminars within the framework of the project "Live responsibly", so that everyone has the opportunity to join a healthy lifestyle, be able to carry out the necessary prevention of various diseases, and even better be able to prevent them. Through these workshops, we want to help people love themselves and encourage them to lead a healthy lifestyle."


Nash Kray supermarket chain promotes withstrengthening the health of regional residents by promoting a healthy lifestyle, providing opportunities to control blood pressure, encourage rationalization of the food structure and reduce the level of consumption of harmful products.

  • So that our customers can better monitor their own health, we have launched a large-scale project " Live responsibly!", within the framework of which we install ECO-corners in stores equipped with a tonometer for measuring blood pressure. It is known that increasing blood pressure for every 10 mm Hg increases the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases by 30%. People with high blood pressure are 7 times more likely to develop strokes, 4 times more likely to develop coronary heart disease, and twice as likely to develop vascular lesions in the legs. Also, these corners are a certain informational reminder for our customers about the responsibility of everyone for their own health and the health of our loved ones.
  • Our supermarkets are focused on meeting the needs of consumers for healthy food products, we inform our customers about them and additionally encourage their consumption. the "buy something useful" promotion.
  1. We also see our social task as helping those who need it. Our philosophy in this aspect is based on the principle of "help for self-help".
  • We support socially vulnerable segments of the population, such as pensioners, ATO participants and large families. to this end, within the framework of project " Live responsibly!" we have special bonus programs for these social groups.
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The project "Young Talents" was launched in early 2015 with the cooperation of the Tarantella pizza chain and the Volyn State School of Culture and Arts in Lutsk. For two years in a row, the network has been awarding cash certificates to the best students of the school.
In 2016, the project was joined by the company "Demidov product", which supported talented orphans of the Rivne region: Ekaterina Chechelyuk and Maria Dovgayuk, who study at the municipal institution" Demidovskaya Children's School of Arts " in the village. Demidovka, Rivne region and take an active part in competitions. Young musicians received a scholarship from the company to study at a music school until the end of 2017. And this is just one of the stages of the project... companies of the investment group "Volvest Group" will continue to support creative and talented children.

In the environmental aspect, our investment group with to reduce environmental pollution in your companies:

  • provides implementation of low-waste, resource-saving and waste-free technologies;
  • encourages its partners to use environmentally-efficient materials;
  • by his own example, he encourages everyone: sort garbage and recycle plastic, paper, and batteries.

After all, a single battery can pollute up to 20 square meters of soil or 400 liters of water, in addition, small batteries account for about 50% of all toxic metals in garbage (such as zinc, lead, manganese, cadmium, nickel, mercury).

For the purpose of rational use of non-renewable resources, we:

  • we introduce energy-saving technologies in our companies and apply energy-saving equipment in technological processes;
  • we form the" ecological " consciousness of employees and consumers through the promotion of lifestyle rationalization, increasing the efficiency of production and consumption.

We must keep in mind that we need to save water, turn off lights and office equipment, save heat or set optimal air conditioning modes. To protect the environment, our investment group encourages everyone to make an effort and reduce the impact of our activities on the environment. 


We believe that the educational process should include not only learning basic sciences, but also communication with nature, the ability to observe and feel its beauty and harmony. Our children should know about the culture of behavior in nature from childhood, be able to take care of it and their health. following this principle, the investment group "Volvest Group" has launched the project "Eco-future of our children", which provides for landscaping of the territory for children, because environmental and aesthetic education of children is equally important for the formation of a growing personality.

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In the environmental aspect, another investment project of "Volvest Group" is actively working – the company "Demidov product". In July 2016, the company launched an environmental program within the framework of corporate social responsibility, which provides for the establishment of a wood waste disposal system and reducing solid fuel consumption by installing an additional boiler combustion chamber. This will allow the company to reduce greenhouse gas and carbon dioxide emissions by 10-15%. This equipment will save up to 20% of fuel and improve the company's energy efficiency indicators.


1. in order to reduce environmental pollution, the network
Nash Kray supermarkets:
* ensures the implementation of low-waste, resource-saving and waste-free technologies in its stores.
* encourages our partners to use environmentally-efficient packaging materials.
* In our retail establishments, we actively organize the sale of food and non-food products of an ecological range (including energy-saving lamps, organic hygiene products, etc.).;
* The Nash Krai network encourages everyone to follow its own example: sort garbage and recycle plastic, paper, and batteries.
After all, a single battery can pollute up to 20 square meters of soil or 400 liters of water, in addition, small batteries account for about 50% of all toxic metals in garbage (such as zinc, lead, manganese, cadmium, nickel, mercury). In our stores, we set up collection points for used batteries, plastic plugs, and provide separate waste collection containers near retail establishments. Every year, employees of the Nash Krai network also take part in Yandex. Toloka and clean up areas near stores and public places.
2. for the purpose of rational use of non-renewable resources, the Nash Krai network:
* implements energy-saving technologies in the construction of retail facilities, applies energy-saving equipment in the technological process;
* forms the" ecological " consciousness of employees and consumers through the promotion of lifestyle rationalization, increasing the efficiency of production and consumption. We must keep in mind that we need to save water, turn off lights and office equipment, save heat or set optimal air conditioning modes. To protect the environment, the Nash Kray network encourages everyone to make efforts and reduce the impact of our activities on the environment. We remind our employees and customers about this in the framework of the project " Live responsibly!".

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We take care of our team and provide:
* Career development of our employees: we form a talent pool based on competencies, carry out an objective assessment of work during attestations.
* Professional development of our specialists: we offer preferential training at the Business Academy of Practical Management, encourage them to participate in professional development programs, trainings and seminars.
* Personal and spiritual development of employees: we provide opportunities to attend artistic, cultural and educational events.
* Social basis: comfortable working conditions, payments and benefits.
* Corporate bonuses: club cards and discounts.

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VolWest Group Investment Group presented a report on its activities in the field of corporate social responsibility for 2016.

The investment group has been developing corporate social responsibility since its foundation, but for the first time this year it has implemented it in its long-term business development strategy. We have formulated our own mission in this aspect and set a number of goals for implementation in the next few years.

Viktor Korsak, Doctor of Economics, Chairman of the Board of Directors of VolWest Group:

"We are ardent supporters of the statement that corporate social responsibility(CSR) is the responsibility of those who make business decisions to those who are targeted by these decisions, which ensures the continuity of development of both the organization and society.
In our opinion, the "iron law of responsibility", which was formulated by K. Davis in the mid-1960s, the essence of which is that those who do not assume responsibility adequate to their power, will eventually lose this power, should become the main motivation of business when implementing CSR.

В основу нашої парадигми корпоративної соціальної відповідальності, ми заклали дві ключові категорії – це «сталість» та «баланс», у нашому розумінні «сталість» – це задоволення сьогоднішніх потреб таким чином, щоб їх також могли задовольнити майбутні покоління, на наш погляд, «баланс» полягає у динамічній рівновазі між вирішенням наших комерційних завдань та задоволенням соціальних, економічних та екологічних потреб регіонів де працюють наші компанії.»

VolWest Group has identified three main areas of CSR development: economic, social and environmental.

In the economic area, the company helps entrepreneurs succeed in their own business, provides them with a proven business model, advises and trains their future partners, which allows them to become owners of a stable business.

In the social aspect, the investment group promotes a healthy lifestyle, including physical activity, and healthy nutrition, implements its own programs for socially vulnerable segments of the population, and provides support to specialized children's institutions and local organizations that deal with people in need of assistance.

In the environmental aspect, the company cares about the environment for future generations, so it implements programs to reduce environmental pollution and initiates activities aimed at rational use of non-renewable resources, as well as forms a responsible attitude to the environment among all stakeholders and involves them in joint actions.

Corporate social responsibility should benefit both society and business, and work for their common good. The main point when a company accepts the social component as part of its business is that it is necessary to always take it into account in all business processes: in marketing activities, in investing, in introducing new technologies, etc.; and at all stages of planning. Then the business will form relationships around itself based on the principles of trust and loyalty, which will ensure its success, both in the short and long term.

You can read more about the VolWest Group Investment Group's report on corporate social responsibility activities for 2016 here: Ccv_2016_pdf Report

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) of the VolWest Group Investment Group

"this is a balance between meeting our commercial goals and meeting the current social, economic and environmental needs of the regions where we operate without compromising the ability to meet them for future generations.

We strive to qualitatively improve the standard of living and ensure a clean environment, encourage people to lead a healthy lifestyle and take responsibility for their own health.

Work in the direction of corporate social responsibility has become an integral part of the strategy of the companies included in the investment group. Thus they implement projects in three main areas:

  • regional economic development;
  • social development of the regions;
  • ecological development of regions.

The goal of the projects is to promote the sustainable development of the regions where companies operate and live responsibly.

In the economic aspect

Our principles: Improve yourself and improve others

In the social aspect

Our principles: your environment is your concern and responsibility

In the environmental aspect

Our principles: consume rationally and think carefully