Every large company has its own origins and history. In our group, everything started out very simple: they found a truck on the ad, borrowed a hundred dollars for partial prepayment of transport (after all, strangers) and called Svetoch in Lviv. Lviv confirmed that it believes us and will provide us with a product loan.
It was then that distribution began, and Svetoch was among the first to introduce this business. Of course, there were risks for Svetoch and other pioneers, non-state - owned enterprises were just being created, and many of them were registered, as they say, under the fence.
So, the first car is loaded, the confectionery is delivered to the shops of the regional centers of Volyn. At that time, you could make a mark-up of twenty or thirty percent, everything goes with a bang – the stores have empty shelves, only seaweed in a glass jar in long rows... we unload the car in Vladimir-Volynsky in the evening, and then a very bad adventure – the so-called “fan” power outage. We write out invoices with matches, as well as assign them to see the inscriptions on the boxes. And the very next morning, a call from Vladimir-Volynsky was re-sorted, and they were given a decent amount of money in total. This dispelled the long-standing myth that many dishonest people work in the trade. And the local colleagues could have kept silent ... by the way, many times we ourselves were “abandoned” by dishonest, if I may say so, partners. And what is interesting: none of these " Scammers” got hold of, none of them were able to unwind. Any rule can have an exception, but here there is no exception.
A fun activity back then was counting cash. This is because the hryvnia has not yet been introduced, the coupon is karbovantsy in circulation. Some kind of blanket is spread out on the floor, several bags of those coupons are spilled out, and then the lesson is held until midnight. The bank also seemed, as for today, funny. They filled plastic bags with those coupon rubles, covered them with some kind of towel on top, and took them by trolleybus-sometimes bundles of coupons mockingly peek out from under that cover. It's all romance: there's no office, no warehouses, and only a seventeen – year-old passenger car, a first-model Zhiguli, is out of transport. I remember how happy they were when they got hold of a fax machine and installed it in their apartment.
"Volvest-T. LTD " - this was the name of the first enterprise of today's group, founded in the fall of 1992. As time went on, turnover increased, businesses began to share their work profiles, and the group's first posts were laid. A lot in the past and Bitter, and funny (easy just was not and probably never will be).
The main thing is different: there is a powerful VolWest Group operating in Ukraine, the main achievement of which is a wonderful team, a team of young, qualified, energetic people who create the future of the state.
Ivan Korsak
Member of the Board of Directors
Member of the Writers ' Union of Ukraine
Winner of the V. Chernovol Prize
Інвестиційна група VolWest Group була заснована 1992 року як сімейний бізнес. Сьогодні вона функціонує у 17 секторах економіки, включає десятки успішних компаній та об’єднує понад 5 000 працівників. Основним її завданням є створення та розвиток нових бізнес-проектів у перспективних галузях та ефективне стратегічне управління ними. Я вважаю, що запорукою успіху VolWest Group є те, що:
We also encourage all members of our large team to develop personally and professionally, because values determine motivation, learning forms competencies, and only the Synergy of motivation and competence ensures success.
Viktor Korsak,
Doctor of Economics,
Chairman of the Board of Directors of VolWest Group
Our mission statement
We light up the stars of new ideas,
to make the world a happier place
Our values
From the bottom of my heart
we achieve our goals with faith in what we do, honestly, boldly, responsibly, with harmony in our soul and peace in our heart.
Be the first
we concentrate our resources in areas where we can become leaders.
transcend boundaries and create a new reality.
With impeccable quality
we meet the most demanding expectations of our customers.
And high profitability
we get a high reward for our efforts and invested capital.
Our philosophy
Our company's philosophy is based on a balance in meeting the needs of the company's shareholders, employees, our customers, external stakeholders (suppliers, authorities, residents of the region where we operate) and society as a whole.
Our corporate culture
At the heart of our corporate culture is the paradigm that work is a place where we earn, learn, create, communicate, socialize, and relax.
Our rules
"Proactivity "at the discussion stage, unquestioning implementation at the implementation stage: comments, ideas, suggestions during decision-making, and mandatory implementation when the decision is made; even through" I can't";" yes"means contract."
We are convinced that the lack of initiative to change and an undocumented assessment is bad and contradicts the philosophy of our company.
We are for "total responsibility" – we never, never, never look for extreme measures. If something doesn't work out, it's all our fault.
We always focus on the most important thing – we first expand the "bottlenecks".
We are supporters of "managerial parallelism" - we can simultaneously perform a number of tasks and achieve goals.
We focus on our core competencies and do the work that we love and know how to do best, while delegating the rest.
Ми не боїмося помилятися, адже ми розуміємо, що помилки – це невід’ємна частина розвитку і що часто шлях від 7 балів від 10 наступний: 7 – 6 – 5 – 4 – 3 – 4 – 5 – 6 – 7 – 8 – 9 – 10…
We know that in order for something to change, you need to change something.
We believe that there are no traitors in our team, if they appear, then they are not there again.
We are convinced that if a team member has decided to leave the company, then they should prepare an equivalent replacement for their place.
Our Corporate Social Responsibility Our goal is to achieve a balance between solving our company's commercial problems and meeting the current social, economic and environmental needs of society without compromising the ability to meet them for future generations, which will contribute to the continuous development of our business, the regions where we operate, and humanity as a whole.
м. Луцьк, вул. Карбишева, 1,
Волинська обл.,Україна, 43023
phone: +38 (0332) 78 48 70
e-mail: [email protected]
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